Testimonial From Mickey D.

"Kept my skinny clothes!"

I am a 51-year old that has been fit all my life. When I turned 49, I started noticing my body changing in areas I didn’t approve of, my midsection & thighs. I joined a gym, have been gluten-free, dairy-free for 15 years, social drinker & a nonsmoker. I do a lot of things right but can’t shake these extra 30 pounds that appeared. I ask my GYN for bloodwork to maybe help stabilize my hormones; her reply was, Go home and donate your skinny clothes!

I’ve done every diet, meal plan, paid $1000 of dollars on health coaches & even paid $2500 for Cold Sculpting!! Nothing has worked! I am super excited to start The Galveston Plan. I am on day 2…Doing Intermittent Fasting 18/6. I’ve done IFasting in the past but was eating all the wrong things within the 6 hours. I will keep you posted on the results. I am dedicated to shed these extra pounds and KEEP MY SKINNY CLOTHES!

- Mickey D.

With an anti-inflammatory approach to nutrition, Dr. Haver has cracked the code and found an innovative solution that actually works at this time in our lives. The Galveston Diet can help women in menopause lose weight, burn fat, and feel more confident in their skin.
Picture of student taking Inflammation Quiz

Take the nutritional anti-inflammation quiz

Determine your relative degree of inflammation per your nutritional choices.

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