Testimonial From Linda S.

"My Body & Mind, Felt So Great!"

I have had a couple of massages over the last year or so, and was told by different therapists that I had fluid in my legs. I am 56 years old and have been a jogger for about 30 years. Just 3-4 miles a couple of days a week. The fluid was there because I never stretched before or after running. I was damaging myself! And I thought the reason my right pant leg felt tight was muscle!

Dr. Haver’s discussions about inflammation popped up on Facebook. She wasn’t promoting any powders, gummies, or miracle pills. She was teaching why it happens and the science behind Intermittent Fasting to help ease it. I clicked the button to sign up and was surprised at the low cost. Really? I can learn all this and have access for life? I took a few days to read articles and watch videos. I skimmed through and printed many of the recipes (which are fabulous by the way).

The 16 hour fasting period is pretty easy for me. I like an early dinner and finish between 6 and 6:30. My mornings are occupied with walking the dog, spiritual time, relaxing on the porch with my husband, and (black) coffee and running errands. Before I know it, it’s 10, 11, or 12:00. Time to eat!

I used to ask my husband to rub my shins. They were even sore to the touch. After three days of intermittent fasting, I rubbed my left shin with my right heel while lying in bed. It didn’t hurt! I couldn’t believe it! The next morning, I walked down the stairs and realized my legs felt good! No stiffness. I felt light on my feet and have ever since. I had been tolerating discomfort!

Last Saturday, I even ran for 8 miles! My body, and mind, felt so great! My legs just wanted to keep on moving! I am desiring healthy foods and focus on eating what Dr. Haver recommends for diminishing inflammation. The couple pounds I wanted to lose are gone too. All this and, without added sugars in my system (thanks sugar detox challenge), I don’t feel tired at all during the day. I feel ALIVE!

- Linda S.

With an anti-inflammatory approach to nutrition, Dr. Haver has cracked the code and found an innovative solution that actually works at this time in our lives. The Galveston Diet can help women in menopause lose weight, burn fat, and feel more confident in their skin.

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