Testimonial From Sandra B.

"My Inflammation Has Gone Down"

Today I finished my first week, and I have lost 5 pounds. I am glad about the weight, but most importantly, I am thrilled because my inflammation has gone down.

I suffer from primary lymphedema, and my legs and the abdominal area swells up. For the past six years, I have been going to a functional medicine doctor, and he has been my savior because, through supplements and diets, we have been able to keep it somewhat controlled.

I came across your program, and I have listened to many experts talk about intermittent fasting and decided to buy your program. I am fasting for 18 hours and following your plan for 6. I also have been able to work out five days a week. I am sorry for this long message, but I wanted to thank you for helping me feel good.

- Sandra B.

With an anti-inflammatory approach to nutrition, Dr. Haver has cracked the code and found an innovative solution that actually works at this time in our lives. The Galveston Diet can help women in menopause lose weight, burn fat, and feel more confident in their skin.

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