Testimonial From Diane B.

"The 30 Day Challenge Was A Game Changer!"

This challenge has been a game-changer for me. I have finally found a way to eat that is burning the fat and pounds off!! I’ve always been a calorie counter, which worked in my younger years. I’m almost 60 now and gained about 20 pounds over the past few years and nothing I tried worked. I reviewed Mary Claire Haver’s TGD download (I joined TGD several years ago and struggled with my discipline with it) and decided to commit to the challenge. Well, let me tell you, I am amazed at the results. I lost 8 pounds (even with a ten-day beach trip during the challenge!), my skin looks amazing, I have had zero processed sugar (I am a sugar addict), and I feel like a new person. Thank you to Margaret Walsh and the extra support of the tracker and daily journal. I m now confident I can continue my weight loss journey! Looking forward to future challenges! Thank you, TGD Team!

- Diane B.

With an anti-inflammatory approach to nutrition, Dr. Haver has cracked the code and found an innovative solution that actually works at this time in our lives. The Galveston Diet can help women in menopause lose weight, burn fat, and feel more confident in their skin.

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