Say Goodbye to middle age body composition Changes

with the galveston diet

With an anti-inflammatory approach to nutrition, Dr. Haver has found an innovative solution that works. The Galveston Diet can help women in midlife and all phases of menopause lose unwanted belly fat and feel more confident in their skin. 

Live Your Best Life Now

Menopause body changes are a true struggle. The Galveston Diet is the first program created by a female OBGYN physician for women who are experiencing these changes. When you sign up for The Galveston Diet, you’ll have unlimited access to the program, along with videos, text, and visual aids for learning.

This self-paced program lets you decide when to start and finish, giving you complete control of your health journey. 

”Thank you, Dr. Haver. Thanks For Helping Me Find Me.”
- Janice S.

Why Try The Galveston Diet?

Are you struggling with middle-age body changes?

Conventional weight-loss wisdom for women in menopause is often fraught with disappointment. I found out the hard way. Two things happened: I started undergoing the changes associated with menopause, and my brother died. Through my grief process, I gained about 20 pounds.

I had always been fit but I had stopped working out and my nutrition was upended. It was a perfect storm that blew my health and self-esteem off course. I tried to navigate my way back to my “happy weight” with the very same advice I had prescribed my patients for years: “eat less, work out more.” Like them, I was suddenly embroiled in a vicious cycle of calorie restriction and cardio that didn’t budge the stubborn pounds. I was left feeling zapped, demoralized, and frustrated. It was humbling to discover what I had been taught in medical school wasn’t working. That rude awakening inspired me to take a deep dive into the science behind hormonal body composition changes. 

End The Vicious Cycle Of Calorie Restriction

I can’t tell you the joy and relief I experienced when I was able to confidently give women an evidence-based program that worked for me, my friends, and my patients! We deserve to have the necessary science to make decisions about how to properly take care of ourselves, and our bodies. 

In 2017, I carefully distilled the complex concepts from my research to easily digestible nuggets and tested them with resounding success. My goal wasn’t for women to shrink in size but to empower them so they might thrive. Not only were women losing inches and gaining muscle mass–they were sleeping better, had decreased hot flashes, and banished brain-fog. Menopause doesn’t have to derail women from their dynamic lives and healthy, energetic bodies. Because the peer reviewed science behind nutrition, intermittent fasting, and the hormonal factors of menopausal weight gain are ever evolving, so is The Galveston Diet. I am with you on this health journey and am unwavering in my commitment to bringing you the most up-to-date information so you are living fully with confidence and vitality. It is time for women to invest in their most precious commodity, their health.

"I believe that real change takes time. Success is not achieved overnight. Step by step, you can make nutritional changes to lose weight, have more energy, decrease brain fog, and increase overall well being. We are here to support you on that journey."

-Mary Claire Haver, MD

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Frequently Asked Questions

When does the program start & finish?

The Galveston Diet is a completely self-paced online course – you decide when you start and when you finish once your membership begins.

How long do I have access to the program?

Once you are enrolled in the Signature, Gold, or Platinum programs, you have access to the curriculum for life. If you are a member of Galveston For Life, as long as your membership is active, you will have unlimited access to the community – across all devices you own.

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