Testimonial From Anita B.

"Gained Control of My Eating"

I have been on Galveston Diet for almost four weeks. I stumbled upon it on FB, and I was so happy to read something finally addressed my age group and, of course, hormones and menopause and weird fat I could no longer get rid of!! Anyway, I have lost seven pounds, and I would like to lose a bit more, but more importantly, I no longer feel like I am wandering with no real direction and goal with regard to nutrition, I have a compass for health!

I took my time reading through the program and spent time understanding macros. The anxiety I would experience not to know really HOW to eat has been lifted! Yeh! Intermittent Fasting is fine; it was easy to get used to b/c I never woke up and ate anyway. I eat from 11-7, and Hazelnut coffee has always been my fav; now it’s just black…I know there are artificial flavors with it…I will keep looking!

Anyway, Dr. Mary Claire Haver, I can’t thank you enough for all your solid research and for providing a health platform for us women! Additionally, I feel so happy to know that every day, every meal I am fighting inflammation! The affordable price was a no brainer too!

- Anita B.

With an anti-inflammatory approach to nutrition, Dr. Haver has cracked the code and found an innovative solution that actually works at this time in our lives. The Galveston Diet can help women in menopause lose weight, burn fat, and feel more confident in their skin.
Picture of student taking Inflammation Quiz

Take the nutritional anti-inflammation quiz

Determine your relative degree of inflammation per your nutritional choices.

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