It is no secret that during menopause our hormones are drastically changing; in addition, one’s metabolism significantly slows down at this stage of life. This can be a recipe for disaster- especially for abdominal weight gain.
So, what can we do to combat these changes during menopause? Strategically altering our diet for our benefit is absolutely crucial to maintaining our “best selves.”
- Leafy Greens – As daunting as “leafy greens” are to some, I encourage you to brighten up your plate with shades of green. Salads, spinach, and kale are some examples of easy ways to incorporate greens into your menopause diet. They’re packed with vitamins, minerals and fiber but low in calories. A diet rich in leafy greens has shown to reduce the risk of obesity, heart disease, high blood pressure and mental decline, as well as help with middle age weight loss. Not only are they delicious, but also provide a great source of calcium and vitamin D, which promote bone strength (osteoporosis, the weakening of bones, is one of the main health issues during menopause).
- Salmon – Delicious and nutritious, you cannot go wrong with salmon as part of the Galveston diet. Not only does it have a high protein content, but salmon is also anti-inflammatory and high in omega-3 fatty acids (the healthy kind of fat). The added protein is protective against the decrease in muscle mass associated with menopause.
- Citrus Fruits – Oranges, grapefruits, lemons, limes, etc. have phenomenal health benefits, especially pertaining to hot flashes and night sweats, which are common menopause symptoms. The primary benefits are increased hydration, but these fruits also contain tons of antioxidants which are important as well, and which help with middle age weight loss.
- Greek Yogurt– Greek yogurt contains protein, calcium, and vitamin D; together, these prevent bloating and are a great, nutritious source of probiotics. Be sure to read labels- aim for high protein content and low to no added sugar. I love my greek yogurt PLAIN and FULL FAT for the most healthy option! I add nuts, coconut flakes (unsweetened) and berries for a macro friendly and healthy way to break my fast and help with middle age weight loss!
- Nuts – Nuts are unique in that they are relatively low in carbohydrates, and packed with healthy fats that not only lower inflammation, but promote satiety and decrease “hunger” between meals as they don’t raise our blood sugars much. This is great in middle age weight loss. They are also packed with nutrients (iron, magnesium and selenium). Although calorie rich, a diet rich in nuts has been proven to promote menopause weight loss in studies. In one study in overweight women, those eating almonds lost nearly three times as much weight and experienced a significantly greater decrease in waist size compared to the control group. Add these to your middle age weight loss plan today!
- Avocado – packed with healthy fats, fiber and nutrients (potassium, B vitamins, etc) many think of avocado as a “perfect” food. Studies have shown that a diet rich in avocado (vs placebo) had lower cholesterol levels, lower triglycerides and increases in the “good” cholesterol, and lower cataract risks. People who have a diet rich in avocado are 50% less likely to suffer from metabolic syndrome and have a decreased risk of Type 2 Diabetes. Also, avocados are not only packed with antioxidants, they can also increase antioxidant absorption from other foods, which is great for menopause weight gain help.
Studies are showing that by eating a diet rich in the above foods, most women also report obtaining more mental clarity, better sleep, and reduced feelings of stress upon improving their diet. I encourage you to take the next step in leading a healthy lifestyle, most importantly through your menopause diet. For more information and education, sign up for the Galveston Diet today!
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