Anti-Inflammatory Nutrition

Menopause can be a very confusing and difficult stage in life to navigate. As an OB-GYN, I give my patients a Menopause toolkit with six key strategies to reduce menopausal symptoms by creating habits that reduce inflammation. This toolkit is not a magic pill, but rather six strategies to…
Ignite your Nutrition as Your First Line of Defense for Your Health You are what you eat is an old adage, and while there is some truth in this saying, it is complex and can be confusing to the average consumer. The diet industry, while a multimillion dollar entity,…
Light blue background with an assortment of herbs, plants and anti-inflammatory supplements in bottles, powders, capsules and pills with the Galveston Diet logo in the bottom corner.
As a Board Certified OBGYN trained in Culinary Medicine, I believe in the power of nutrition to combat inflammation. At the Galveston Diet we believe in food first. Supplements can be vital for your health when there is a deficiency due to lifestyle, health conditions, and the modern western…
Title card for blog post that reads,"Top 10 Tips to Limit Chronic Inflammation with a Woman holding her head in pain.
Dr. Mary Claire Haver’s top tips for fighting chronic inflammation and fatigue in menopause…. Do you feel tired?  Are you experiencing unexpected mood swings and unexplained weight gain?  All of these symptoms can be linked to aging, menopause and chronic inflammation.  The Good News: A few small swaps in…
Blog - Galveston Diet
Menopause Weight Gain? Inflammation May Be The Culprit (And 5 Things You Can Do About It Right Now) It’s apparent that weight loss is much more than just calories in and calories out,1,2 so what are the other variables involved?  Current research is finding that chronic systemic inflammation is a…
Blog - Galveston Diet Foods for Pandemic
Foods To Battle Stress During the Coronavirus Pandemic If you’re feeling stressed, who can blame you? In a recent study, 53.8% of respondents rated the psychological impact of the coronavirus outbreak as moderate or severe; 16.5% reported moderate to severe depressive symptoms; 28.8% reported moderate to severe anxiety symptoms,…
Blog - Galveston Diet after menopause
Exercise Beyond Menopause – For Weight Loss and More Many women, especially when entering or experiencing menopause, tend to put off exercise completely or transition to simply walk a couple of times a week over time. However, physical activity, including aerobic activity AND resistance training, becomes more and more…
Dr. Mary Claire Haver 15 Quaratnine
The Quarantine 15… It’s easy to see how you might gain weight during the pandemic, especially if you are spending most of your time at home. As it turns out, comfort food recipes have been trending on Google. (There is so much baking going on, supermarkets can’t keep flour…
Break Free From sugar
Excessive sugar consumption has MANY negative health effects. I am not saying you can never have added sugar again, but rather, I hope this information will make you more aware and mindful of what you are putting into your body. The current dietary guideline recommends that calories from added…

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While the information on the site was prepared to provide accurate information regarding topics related to general and specific health issues, the information contained in the site is made available with the express understanding that neither Dr. Mary Claire Haver,, nor the other experts on the site, nor the site itself, nor members of the Site are dispensing medical advice and do not intend any of this information to be used for self-diagnosis or treatment.


Picture of student taking Inflammation Quiz

Take the nutritional anti-inflammation quiz

Determine your relative degree of inflammation per your nutritional choices.

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